Version 3.3.121
- Updates the database for the FAA files effective from 0901Z 7/31/2008 to
0900Z 9/25/2008
- Adds about 5,000 new fixes
Version 3.3.119
- Updates the database for the FAA files effective from 0901Z 7/5/2007 to
0900Z 7/30/2007
- Adds about 4,500 new fixes
Version 3.3.118
Updates the database for the FAA files effective from 0901Z
4/13/2006 to 0900Z 6/8/2006
Skipped the 2/16/06 update due to the FAA's failure to provide the data.
Version 3.3.117
- Updates the database for the FAA files effective from
0901Z 12/22/2005 to 0900Z 2/16/06
- Remove obsolete NDB's, VOR's, and airports.
Version 3.3.116
- Updates the database for the FAA files effective from 0901Z
10/27/2005 to 0900Z 12/22/05
Version 3.3.115
- Updates the database for the FAA files effective from 0901Z
7/7/2005 to 0900Z 9/1/05.
- Removes about 100 decommissioned NDB's.
- Fixes several incosistencies in the help files.
Version 3.3.114
- Updates the database for the FAA files effective from 0901Z
5/12/2005 to 0900Z 7/7/2005.
- A later update in this cycle will include new FAA data for
so-called ATS routes. These include the Bahamas, Puerto Rico,
Gulf, and Atlantic routes.
Version 3.3.113
- Updates the database for the FAA files effective from 0901Z
3/17/2005 to 0900Z 5/12/2005.
Version 3.3.112
- Updates the database for the FAA files effective from 0901Z
1/20/2005 to 0900Z 3/17/2005.
Version 3.3.111
This release:
- Updates the database for the FAA files effective from 0901Z
11/25/04 to 0900Z 1/20/2005.
Version 3.3.110
This release:
- Updates the database for the FAA files effective from 0901Z
9/30/04 to 0900Z 11/25/2004.
- Changes the web location for the winds aloft data to
changes made by the NOAA. In addition the downloading is a bit faster
as there are now only three files to download rather than six. Also, it
appears that the winds are now updated every six hours rather than
every twelve.
Version 3.3.109
This release is to update the database for the FAA files effective from
8/5/04 to 0900Z 9/30/04.
This was particularly complicated as the FAA has added several hundred
intersections to correspond with various grid coordinates to facilitate
high-altitude route program and other off-airways routings. This
necessitated a
change some of the internal structures. In addition, while making this
all references in the software and help files to “NAVX
2003” were changed to
“NAVX 2004”.
Version (Program files 3.3.108)
This release is to update the database for the FAA files effective from
6/10/04 to 0900Z 8/5/04.
Version 3.3.108
This release is primarily to update the database for the
FAA files effective from 0901Z 4/15/04 to 0901Z 6/10/04.
In addition:
- fix display of gallons versus pounds and miles
versus nautical miles in numerous locations including the print option
and the
status line.
Version 3.3.107
This release is primarily to update the database for the FAA
effective from 2/19/04 through 4/14/2004.
In addition:
- fix date/time last modified for
add/change/delete/undelete in the fix lookup screens.
this information is accurate in the
distributed database, NAVX itself was not updating it.
- "New Winds Handling" is partially
implemented. It is selected by selecting
the corresponding parameter in the 3rd parameters tab. If
this is
selected, winds will automatically
be calculated every time your route is changed. If no wind is
found for a particular location then "calm" will
be used and ISA for the appropriate altitude will be used for
temperature. You will *never* be prompted for wind
entry. Do not select this option if you
want to be able to zero winds or enter your own winds. These
restrictions are temporary as
eventually New Winds Handling will be standard.
- "Use PTIME" appears on the 3rd parameter
tab. Currently this does nothing
although in the next few releases NAVX will start using PTIME (if
entered) to
determine appropriate wind data and will extrapolate the wind data
based on